Sponsorship Behind the Walls Sponsor Orientation Packet
1 file(s) 67 downloads
Sponsorship Behind The Walls Orientation and Training Packet. This version was completed in September 2017.
Sponsorship Behind the Walls Agreement - Questionnaire
1 file(s) 39 downloads
Sponsorship Behind the Walls Sponsor agreement and questionnaire. This file is dated September 2017.
SBTW Correspondence Only Agreement
1 file(s) 92 downloads
The Correspondence Only Agreement is an outline and agreement by the Sponsor and Sponsee of the program's guidelines.
Sponsorship Behind The Walls Sponsor Orientation Training Flyer
1 file(s) 52 downloads
Flyer for Workshops for Sponsor Orientation Workshops.
Sponsorship Behind the Walls Service Resume Form
1 file(s) 43 downloads
Sponsorship Behind the Walls Service Resume form for service potions on the workgroup. File is dated June 2017.
Sponsorship Behind The Walls (SBTW) Workgroup Guidelines
1 file(s) 82 downloads
Sponsorship Behind The Walls Workgroup Guidelines that where last updated in September 2017.