Recovery Meetings on Zoom

The NA Recovery Meeting continues to meet Tuesday, Wednesday, & Friday at noon Central Daylight Time and Monday at 8:30 pm Central Daylight Time. Click on the buttons below to join the meeting. The meeting has a passcode of 1953. The Meeting ID is: 453 731 3343

Plains States Zonal Forum Meeting

March 28, 29 & 30, 2025 3433
N. Danville, Abilene, Texas 79601

The Plains States Zonal Forum Meeting will take place March 28th, 29th, & 30th, 2025. This is our in person meeting in the Best Little Region. This meeting is a hybrid meeting.  The zoom id is: 453 731 3343.  The passcode is: 1953

Plains States Zonal Forum

  • This website is intended primarily for use by members of the Plains State’s Zonal Forum of Narcotics Anonymous, an administrative body that seeks to coordinate NA service efforts throughout the Great Plains of the United States.
  • The Plains State’s Zonal Forum member regions are Mid America, OK, Best Little Region, Iowa, Nebraska, and South Dakota.
  • The Plains State’s Zonal Forum does not endorse any web-page links on this site nor is it responsible for the contents of any subsequent links from those pages. It is our goal to link to pages, which adhere to The Twelve Traditions of Narcotics Anonymous and WSC Internet Guidelines.
  • Narcotics Anonymous; the stylized initials NA, appearing alone, within a single or double circle, or as part of any other graphic; and the circle-diamond symbol are registered trademarks of Narcotics Anonymous World Services, Inc.
  • The domain name is owned by the Plains State’s Zonal Forum of Narcotics Anonymous. The Plain’s State’s Zonal Forum Web Servent has the responsibility of maintaining this web site. Please contact the Web Servent with comments, questions or concerns.